
Who’s Involved
RIIS’ Purpose: To revolutionize the world by laying a new foundation that supports and benefits all life.

Krystal Dawn
Visionary Architect and Founder of RIIS. Founder of Rise: AI health plans for large self-funded employers, Founder of Arrington National: A large insurance corporation Learn more

JW Wilson
Executive Director at The Learning Code Institute; best-selling author of “Cracking The Learning Code”; established over 25 start-ups including Media Networks, The Veterinary Institute of Medicine, and Insulite Health Learn more

Christiane Seuhs-Schoeller
Co-founder of encode.org, Evolution at Work, PowerShift Journeys; author of “New Stories of Love, Power, and Purpose,” and the JournaLogue program Learn more

Tim Kelley
Founder and Visionary Leader of the True Purpose® Institute; best-selling author of “True Purpose” and international agent of change. Specializes in uncovering the purpose of leaders, organizations, and counties. Has helped various organizations such as Alibaba, Oracle, and Pricewaterhouse Coopers.Learn more

Michelle Shampton
Master Builder and Facilitator at RIIS; Powerful connector, networker, collaborator, and leader. Holds a strong vision for humanity and plays a pivotal role in uniting those in resonance.Learn more

Alexander Keehnen
Co-founder of Gaianet, a global network of 2000+ regenerative projects and professionals across various fields. Unites global visionaries and organizations that are actively working toward a positive and hopeful vision for humanity.Learn more

James McGuirk
Managing Director at Endeavor Colorado, supporting more than 2,500 high-impact entrepreneurs in 45 markets around the world; Has over 20 years of professional experience developing and leading programs.Learn more
Practitioners and Experts
Exceptional practitioners and experts have united from the following fields:

Organizations Involved

Krystal Dawn
Krystal is the visionary architect spearheading the RIIS revolution, steadfastly committed to revolutionizing the world’s systems and structures to co-create from purpose, abundance, love, and harmony. For those who know her, she is an unstoppable force. A true visionary, tirelessly dedicated to catalyzing positive change on a global scale. She has an unparalleled ability to hold a vision for the world, conceive revolutionary solutions, and unite vast communities around a common mission and purpose. Her intelligence, wisdom, expertise, and unshakable spirit serves as the driving force to lead this mission towards success.
Michelle Shampton
Michelle is a powerful connector, networker, collaborator, and leader. Her determination to co-create a sustainable and equitable world fuel her passion to catalyze global change. She leads from an aligned place of purpose, authenticity, integrity, and love, and embodies the values and spirit of RIIS. Her unwavering integrity, unshakable commitment and exceptional communication skills, combined with her magnetic energy radiates an infectious enthusiasm and charisma that attracts those in resonance. She plays a pivotal role in bringing participants and seasoned practitioners in, guiding the masses over the bridge. She will stop at nothing to bring this into the world and co-create a reality that benefits all.
Alexander Keehnen
Alexander is the cofounder of Gaianet, a global network of 2000+ regenerative projects and professionals across the following fields: community and conscious living, economics (value exchange), health and wellbeing, technology, governance, food, water, energy, housing, and education. He unites global visionaries and organizations that are actively working toward a positive and hopeful vision for humanity. His expertise lies in many areas, such as assisting purpose-driven entrepreneurs with delegating, organizing, leadership, time management, meeting facilitation, personality profiling, personal development and networking.
James McGuirk
James has over 20 years of professional experience developing and leading programs, with an emphasis on operational efficiency and improvement. He excels at building and managing high-performance teams with a mission-driven culture, with an extensive background in leading entrepreneurs, executives, and investors. Former managing director at Endeavor Colorado, supporting more than 2,500 high-impact entrepreneurs in 45 markets around the world.
Christiane Seuhs-Schoeller
Christiane is a seasoned entrepreneur, international business consultant, coach, speaker, author, and an internationally renowned global pioneer in the field of self-organization and purpose-guided work. Her influence emanates from a trifecta of sources: her acclaimed novel, New Stories of Love, Power, and Purpose; A Global Invitation to Experiment With the Unknown, transformative JournaLogue programs, and expertise in the evolving global landscape of work, power dynamics, and self-organization. Her presence, wisdom, and mastery provide an invaluable asset to any space she is a part of. Her endeavors and life experience exemplify her unwavering dedication to catalyze positive transformation on an individual, organizational, and global scale.
JW Wilson
J.W.’s commitment to positive global transformation is evident in his pioneering work, which addresses critical inefficiencies in learning, motivation, addiction, and behavior change across various sectors, including education, government, and corporate environments. As the former owner of the largest media marketing development firm in the Pacific, he reshaped advertising strategies and formed pivotal partnerships with industry giants like Time Warner Cable.
Tim Kelley
Tim is an international agent of change, speaker, and thought leader on new paradigm systems and methods. He works with top leaders in many fields and countries to redesign and evolve society. His expertise lies in finding the purpose of leaders, organizations and countries. He specializes in self-organizing and non-hierarchical organizational structures and systems and excels at solving intractable social problems. His methodologies have been featured internationally in magazines, newspapers and on television. Kelley’s client list includes companies such as Alibaba, Nabisco, ING, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Oracle, Accenture, Lexmark and AOL. He has also worked with government ministers and presidential candidates and found the higher purpose of two countries. His messages of hope and empowerment have inspired audiences around the world.